Aromatic 150 - Solvent Supplier

What is Aromatic 150?

Aromatic 150, also known as Aromatic Solvent C10, is a liquid with a mild odor and has a clear and colorless appearance. This aromatic solvent is part of the petroleum hydrocarbon family that is primarily made up of C9-C11 aromatic hydrocarbons. 

How is Aromatic 150 produced?

Aromatic 150 is created from the refining of aromatic streams that derives from raw petroleum. This type of aromatic solvent is harmful to humans so the procedures and equipment for the production, exchange, and storage for aromatic solvents are encased and constant.

What is Aromatic 150 used for?

Aromatic Solvent C10 is for the most part utilized in paints and coatings, printing inks, and the agrochemical business. This kind of aromatic solvent dissolvable has a dissipation rate and breaking point higher than Xylene and therefore has a superior stream and film configuration, making it valuable in the paint and coatings industry.

Synonyms for Aromatic 150

  • Solvent Naphtha (petroleum)
  • Heavy Aromatic High Flash Aromatic Naphtha
  • Type II Heavy Aromatic Solvent
  • Naphtha hydrocarbons
  • C10 Aromatics

RB Products, Inc. proudly offers Aromatic 150 fluids to domestic and international clients. We make it our priority to provide this grade of solvent with industry-leading customer service. Give us a call today at (281) 872-6099 or contact us online for a consultation.

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